First Nations Posts

Top Shelf: Recent Favourites
Here we go: urban grit, short stories, new voices, First Nations literature, urban planning, rape, climate change, grunge, food, and more.

Indigenous Childrens and YA Books From BC

Indigenous Books From BC

And the Remaking of Canada

Diversity in Children's Lit

Aboriginal History Month at 49th Shelf
A great opportunity to bring together the great content 49th Shelf has featured on books written by or about Canada's First Peoples.

The Interruption: Sean Cranbury Interviews Jordan Abel
What interrupts Jordan Abel's writing? "Everything." But it's all good, as you'll find out if you listen to this first podcast of The Interruption with …

Treaties, First Nations & "Idle No More"

Buffy Sainte-Marie: It's My Way
In interview with the author of Buffy Sainte-Marie's new authorized biography.